Tips for Helping a Friend

Even if police, advocates, courts, and counselors all fall into place at the right time, they can't replace the power of friends and family members in helping victims get free of violence. At the same time, when someone close to you is caught in the trauma of violence the situation can often be as overwhelming to you as to the victim. With a little guidance, though, any one can give quality...

Warning Signs of Abuse

The warning signs of domestic abuse may go unnoticed to the victim or the victims' friends and family. Or, the signs won't be recognized as abuse. Familarizing oneself with some of the signs may help, or even save the life of an abused woman. Signs of High Risk He puts her down He does all the talking and dominates the conversation He checks up on her all the time, even at work He tries to...

Children/Youth DV

Children witness violence in the home in a number of different ways. They may see or hear the abusive episode, be used or even involved in the violence (eg the child may be in his mother's arms when she is hit), will experience the aftermath, and sense the tension in the build-up to the abuse. Even when the parents believe the children were unaware of what was happening, the children can often...

Myths Facts about Date Rape

Here are some of the common myths about date rape and rape in general. What they say ... The truth 'Rapists look evil' Rapists are usually 'ordinary' guys, of all ages and backgrounds 'Rape is committed by strangers in dark alleys' In 80-90% of cases the attacker is known to the victim, and it may occur in your own home 'Nice girls don't get raped' Women of all ages and from all different...

Take a Quiz

Domestic violence is a serious problem, and it’s not just an adult problem. Teens experience abuse in their relationships, too. In fact, teens and young adults are often the most at risk for domestic violence. It affects many people in many ways and it can happen anywhere and to anyone. Being abused is a very confusing and misunderstood feeling that teenagers may have to deal with in their...

Sexual Assault on Women

Sexual assault is any form of unwanted sexual activity that is forced upon a person without that person’s consent. Sexual assault can range from unwanted sexual touching to forced intercourse. While most sexual assaults are perpetrated against women, both women and men can and are sexually assaulted. The Criminal Code of Canada recognizes that individuals cannot always speak up and say no. She...

Psychology of the Battered Woman Syndrome

FOUR PSYCHOLOGICAL STAGES OF THE BATTERED WOMAN SYNDROME DENIAL The woman refuses to admit--even to herself--that she has been beaten or that there is a "problem" in her marriage. She may call each incident an "accident". She offers excuses for her husband's violence and each time firmly believes it will never happen again. GUILT She now acknowledges there is a problem, but considers herself...

Facts Stats

For information on the topics listed below please go to: Measuring Violence Against Women Statistical Trends 2006. Prevalence and severity of violence against women Impact of violence against women Risk factors associated with violence against women Institutional and community-based responses Victims’ use of services Violence against Aboriginal women Violence against women in the territories...

Emotional Abuse

  Emotional abuse: It’s a bigger problem than you think When people think of domestic abuse, they often picture battered women who have been physically assaulted. But not all abusive relationships involve violence. Just because you’re not battered and bruised doesn’t mean you’re not being abused. Many men and women suffer from emotional abuse, which is no less destructive....

12 Signs to Tell if Your Partner May Turn into An Abuser

Heavy drinking or drug abuse (especially if he uses substances as an excuse for what he does: ("The alcohol made me do it.") Abuse during the courtship period is a guarantee of further abuse that will become more frequent and severe. Don't marry him with the belief that "I can change him." You won't. Morbid jealousy. This may be a bit flattering at first, but will be a curse later on. You will...