Raising Awareness

Raising Awareness

If your group or organization is interested to join a campaign that promotes stopping violence against women, you can join the “White Ribbon Campaign“: Men working to end men’s violence against women.

A white ribbon is the symbol used to promote this campaign which is worn to promote a personal pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls. Wearing a white ribbon is a way of saying, “Our future has no violence against women.”

Contact information for this campaign is:

The White Ribbon Campaign
365 Bloor St. East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 3L4
Phone: (416) 920-6684 | Toll Free: 1-800-328-2228 | Fax: (416) 920-1678
Email: info(at)whiteribbon(dot)ca
Charitable Registration 14105 0708 RR0001